Prince Of Wales Youth Centre offers a range of services for children/ young people and the community either individually or in partnership.
Wugong Academy
Wugong CIC is a non-profit Community Interest Company club working in partnership with Canterbury Health and Wellness Centre CIO.
Wugong brings all the benefits of martial arts training and specialises in Chinese Martial Arts like Kung Fu, Kickboxing and Tai Chi.
CHRIST EMBASSY CANTERBURY specially invites you to come worship with us.
Contact : 07951972031 or 07842180974.
Please join our Bible study group every Tuesday @ 7:00pm. service every Sunday @ 10:30am
Active Life
The Canterbury Judokwai is a BJA Judo club that has been running for 60 years in Canterbury (Kent, UK).
Originally developed from the martial art Ju Jitsu by Professor Jigoro Kano in Japan, Judo is now an Olympic sport practised all over the world. Judo is a full-contact sport that is suitable for men and women of all ages and abilities.
Kingsmead is having a refurbishment, we would like to welcome the team. While this is going on there will be classes held here at the prince of wales. If you would like to join in then please have a look on the active life website.
Inspire Fitness
Inspire fitness teaches adult aerial hoop, silks, hammock/yoga & pole fitness. Our sessions are suitable for complete beginners and the more experienced. The majority of our participants are new when they first attend, you do not need to be fit and active to come along. We are hoping to offer children's classes soon.
Keep fit, meet friends and learn new skills in a fun and friendly atmosphere!
Fun & Affordable dance classes.
Dance 4 Fun.
all info visit
or email